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Racing Engine Coolant Additives

Coolant additives and radiator treatments from Behrent's Performance Warehouse can extend the life of your racing engine and offer protection against scorching temperatures. Designed for tough racing conditions, these coolant additives reduce engine stress when the heat is on. Treatments and additives specially formulated for racing can reduce the temperature and protect your engine block, cylinder heads, water pump, and radiator from damage or corrosion—and they offer better wetting than conventional radiator and engine coolants alone. Keep your car’s engine and radiator chilled out under pressure with the racing coolant additives and treatments available from Behrent’s.
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Is engine coolant the same as antifreeze?
No. Though engine coolant and antifreeze serve the same purpose—to keep your engine from freezing up or overheating—they are not the same. Antifreeze is a concentrated glycol-based solution that must be diluted with water before use. Engine coolant is a 50/50 mixture of antifreeze and distilled water so no dilution is necessary.

Can I add water to my engine coolant?
Engine coolant is already pre-diluted with water, so no addition is necessary. Though a little bit of water added to the engine coolant won’t cause damage, adding too much will reduce its effectiveness.