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Racing Helmet Hooks

A sturdy racing hook protects your gear, frees up valuable cockpit space, and keeps your helmet within easy reach on the roll bar. A dedicated hanger helps prevent scratches, dust, and potential damage by keeping your helmet securely off the ground. Our helmet hooks mount effortlessly to your roll cage and come in a range of tube sizes and styles from the industry's top makers, including Bicknell and Longacre Racing. Find the perfect helmet hook for your race car today and focus on the race, not where to put your helmet.

Showing 1 - 6 of 6 results

What is the best way to store a racing helmet at the track?
Mount a roll bar hook in your vehicle for an easy place to temporarily hang your racing helmet while at the track.

What is a racing helmet hook for?
A racing helmet hook is a convenient hanger installed inside your vehicle and is used to store your helmet or other safety gear between runs. It is only a temporary solution for use at the track; proper long-term helmet storage and transportation are important to ensure lasting protection.

How do you install a racing helmet hook?
A racing helmet hook bolts to the cross tube of your vehicle’s roll cage. For a proper fit, choose a helmet hanger or hook with an appropriate tube clamp size to fit your roll cage.