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Racing Battery Systems

Racing batteries, battery systems, cables, and chargers will keep your electrical system running at peak performance. Durable racing batteries and accessories are built to handle the toughest conditions on the track, whether you're running in heat, mud, cold, or humidity. Find racing battery systems in an assortment of amps and weights that support your car traversing the dirt or plowing down the asphalt. Batteries and accessories from Braille, Noco, Total Power, and XS Power deliver plenty of force right from the start to keep your race car going all the way to the checkered flag at the finish line. And when you need a quick charge, get a safe and reliable boost with battery chargers from AutoMeter, OptiMate, Moroso, and other top names in the racing industry. Bolster your system with cables, terminals, and accessories that support you at every turn of the engine. Power your car on the track, in the pit, or heading to the garage with a dependable racing battery system made for anything you can dish out.

Showing 1 - 12 of 191 results

How long does a racing battery last?
How long a racing battery lasts depends on several factors, including its size, brand, and usage. If your racing battery is well-maintained and charged regularly, it can last up to three years in a competition environment.

What is the best size battery for a race car?
The best size battery for a race car depends on a number of factors including the size of your engine, fuel type, and whether or not you have an alternator. For example, a large engine or a stock car without an alternator both need a battery with high amps to keep the engine running continually.

Also, consider the type of racing and the length of your races. The best type of battery for drag racing is a 16-volt as it has enough power for all systems and critical components needed in the thick of a race. For motorsports and high-performance racing, a lithium battery offers a longer cycle life and shorter recharge time. This makes it ideal for powering through races that can run as long as 600 miles or last well over four hours.