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Racing Transmission Fluids

High-performance racing transmission fluids and additives formulated for less drag and more speed, even at high temperatures, can help improve your lap time. Synthetic and conventional racing transmission fluids keep your shifting smooth and even, reduce friction, boost power transfer, and keep excessive heat to a minimum for enhanced track performance. Trust transmission fluid from top racing brands, including Maxima and TCI, when you need car support on race day. Behrent's Performance Warehouse carries conventional and synthetic transmission fluid in a range of sizes for your needs, whether it’s a quart for touch-ups, a gallon for changes, or a case to keep your entire racing team pushing forward on the track. Choose the racing ATF you need based on car weight, engine type, and racing conditions.
Showing 13 - 19 of 19 results

How often should you change your racing transmission fluid?
Transmission fluid can last anywhere from six races to an entire season. Inspect your fluid regularly and make a change if the color looks darker or smells bad.

Note: Conventional transmission fluid should be changed more often than synthetic as it breaks down faster in extreme conditions.

Is there a difference between conventional and synthetic racing transmission fluid?
Yes. Conventional racing transmission fluid is made in mineral-based oil that’s refined from petroleum. Synthetic transmission fluid starts out with a mineral base, but it’s highly refined, broken down, and reconfigured for purity. Synthetic transmission fluid doesn't break down as fast when running at high temperatures, ideal for long days on the track.

Can you mix synthetic and conventional transmission fluid?
Yes, you can mix conventional, mineral-based transmission fluid with a synthetic version.